
Friday, January 28, 2011

Just In!!!!

Our wonderful friends Amy and Siouxanne came home from Uganda last week, and brought us awesome necklaces made by the lovely ladies of Uganda!!! We will be selling these necklaces as a fundraiser!
Each and every necklaces is a one of a kind! The Ugandan women make each bead out of magazines. If you are interested in purchasing one or several drop us an email at They are $20 each/ + shipping and are extra long! Please help us meet our goals and buy yours today!


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Thank You!

I would like to take a moment and send out a HUGE thank you to Erin. She has been a blessing! She took time out of her extremely busy schedule to create our brand new blog button, plus walk me through other aspects of blogging!

BTW please fell free to grab it and use it.

Have a blessed day everyone!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Stepping outside our comfort zones

When we first heard God calling us into full time ministry, my husband and I went through various struggles.

My struggles were that conversation you have with God, you know the ones where you try to reason with Him? I know you all have had them before. Mine went something like this, Lord, we cannot take 5 children into a 3rd world country! His answer, I will take care of your family. Lord, what if one of my children get hurt? His answer, Where is your faith? Lord, what about social skills my children need to live in the states? His answer, Do you think your children are going to learn more about Me in Uganda or the States, which one is more important? The conversation went on and on with God, everyday I had a new reason this should not be done. The Lord faithfully and patiently answered every single question.

Then came my husband, Randy started getting defensive every time Uganda came up in conversation, ( at this point I have not said anything about what I feel God doing because I knew God would speak to my husband and I was patiently waiting) I knew at this point with his defensiveness that he had heard the call too. I finally sat Randy down and asked him. He said yes, I know what God is asking, but how can I provide for my family there? How can I make sure they are safe there? How can I be the man I am supposed to be when I am relying on strangers?

It hit me right then and there how much my husband was saying I, I, I. He did not even know or realize what he was saying. I looked into my husbands eyes and said honey I love you, and I know that the world says it is your job to take care of us, but you are only helping God with that job. We are Gods children and He ultimately takes care of us. It is not about you, a mere human, can do for us, it is about God and what we can do for Him. My husband looked at me with tears streaming down his face and said Oh Lord please forgive me.

How many of us that God has called to do something that never listened? How many let the secular way of doing things stop us for His perfect will?
Lord, I pray that we put you first each and every day and that our fears do not get in the way.

We still have questions, will funding come through, will we find the perfect place to rent, will the children be happy, but as soon as we voice them to each other, the Lord provides us a peace. We are not going blindly, but with faith! Trusting our savior every step of the way!

The Goerings

Saturday, January 8, 2011


Oh what an awesome evening it is tonight! Praise the Lord! Over the course of starting this ministry we spent a lot of time in prayer as to know just where God wanted us to go within Uganda. I just got off the phone with a friend in Uganda, she did a 'scouting' trip for us to Mityana. What she discovered today is that there is a TREMENDOUS need for what services we are wanting to provide. All those days and nights of praying and being constantly led back to Mityana. We are all that much more excited now to leave and get started serving Him! Please be in prayer for us that we find just the right piece of property. Blessings to all!

Friday, January 7, 2011

HCU's Blog!

We at HCU have created this blog to keep you all up to date on current events and happenings! We are going to try our hardest to make weekly posts! Stay tuned to see how God is working. Please watch the video to see what great things we have planned!